Day in the Life - Phoebe - Brisbane Family Photographer
I had the pleasure of meeting Phoebe in her lovely home in a Bayside suburb of Brisbane for a morning Day in the Life session. Phoebe is the Mother to little Arthur who was a preemie baby and came into this world on New Year's Eve at 28 weeks. Arthur has grown into the most adorable toddler and I know Phoebe appreciates how precious life can be and is thrilled to be Arthur's Mum.
Like all Mother's of toddlers there are lots of routines and activities that happen every day of the week to keep little ones entertained during the day. Phoebe and Arthur love to cook together and baked some healthy blueberry muffins for morning tea. Arthur loved stirring the mixture with the big spoon and helping his Mum with the cooking. He wasn't so keen to be locked out of the kitchen when Phoebe had to put the muffins into the hot oven and had a little meltdown. Toddlers and meltdowns go hand in hand for lots of reasons; it's not the right colour cup, not the right shape piece of toast, wanting to stand up on the chairs, there are many reasons in your toddlers mind and dealing with these things are all part of the motherhood journey.
Phoebe's Dad popped in for a visit as he lives close by and Arthur was thrilled to see him. How great is it having Grandparents pop over to give their Grandchild some love. It takes a village to raise kids and being surrounded by Grandparents who get to see their Grandchildren regularly is so precious.
Reading stories to Arthur everyday is something Phoebe loves to do and capturing these moments and preserving these memories is something that I love to do. In years to come when Arthur is at school, Phoebe will be able to look back on these photos and reminisce about how little Arthur was at nearly 2 years old and remember the special routines they had together.
"The days are long but the years are short" is something that I can relate to myself now my children are teenagers. The time truly does go by so fast in a blink of an eye so preserving everyday routines of early Motherhood is so valuable in your family's story. Capturing the memories of the house you are in, the current decor, the special story books and toys that are being played with now will one day become a distant memory. Capturing these stories in photos allows you to preserve these memories forever.
If you would like your own "Day in the Life" session I would love to have a chat to you.