Day in the Life - Kelley - Brisbane Family Photographer
I had the lovely pleasure of photographing a Day in the Life session with Kelley and her children in their family home just before they relocated to Cairns on a work secondment. Kelley's husband was already in Cairns so it was just Mum, two kids and a big rescue dog named George.
The morning started off with watching some cartoons on the big movie screen followed by breakfast at the table. There was Lego making, drawing, riding scooters and fun games learning sight words using little cards. There was never a dull moment and when George the rescue dog escaped out the back into the bushland we had to go on an adventure to find him. That involved walking through the bush, down to the creek and then to the park which was a great opportunity for some time on the swings. Somewhere in between all of that, Kelley received a call from someone who had found George so we walked around the neighbourhood to find the address only to realize it involved a car trip to go and pick him up. George was back home once again and it was time for those "promised ice cream" treats for the kids after the long walk.
Kelley, Em and Oscar were so much fun to be around and the kids were so cute asking to hold my hand on our walk. We had a fun morning and I know when they move back in a couple of years time, the kids will be so much bigger and these ordinary everyday moments will be treasured heirloom memories.
As a Mother, how many photos are you in with your children? Often times we are the ones taking the family photos at the park, a picnic or on holidays so I cherish being able to take these photos for Kelley showing her what Motherhood looks like right now. Thank you Kelley for a fun filled morning with lots of laughs and a bit of exercise thrown in. Here's some pictures from Kelley's Day in the Life session.